Spreading a bit of joy and glitter

Monday 21 December 2015

Welcome spreaders of joy and such...

I simply needed a place to put all of the things that I love.
I have come to realise a fair few things this year, the most important being that you should always make yourself happy before others. Not in a selfish way, but in a 'how can you possibly make everyone else happy, if you are miserable yourself?'.

I won't pretend to be wise and all-knowing (God knows I'm not!) however, when I have felt awful it was little things I saw that made me feel better. There's an awful lot of shit going on in the world at the moment that is plastered all over the television, radio and internet - what's wrong with trying to cheer the place up a bit?

Anything that makes me smile will be put up here. Suggestions welcome.


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