Spreading a bit of joy and glitter

Friday 12 August 2016

Talk about 'long time, no see'

I've had the most bizzare year. I'm not gonna dwell on a lot of it because overall it has been bad.

The last 6 or so months have turned around the shit show that was the 6 months before it.

I am in a loving and funny relationship with my lovely (after our shit show, see above). I've got a challenging yet amazing job and I am planning on finally moving out into my own place. This is the plan anyway.

The only thing dulling my shine at the moment is the fact that, after a 10 day all inclusive holiday, I am feeling all of a'chub. However, new gym membership is activated and I will be working out with my fitspiration who just so happens to be one of my greatest friends. Inspiration like I've never known. Also, it's lots easier because me and Joshua are in it together. Cooking for him is a dream because he just loves food, like me!

Update complete!

Take care xox

Monday 4 January 2016

4 days in...

What a start this has been.

Happiness checklist:
1. Resolve issues with faves ✔️
2. Back to the gym ✔️
3. Back to work with a big smile ✔️
4. Leave negative vibes back in 2015 ✔️

Not a bad start and an excellent finish to a strange year. New Year's Eve was immense! We had a festival at my friends house. It was legit, fake grass, Salvation Army cuppa soup, camping in the living room and drinking way too much for the average 23 year old gal! 
I'm still buzzing from it cause it was so much fun!!

I hope everyone else had just has much fun

I'm very very very happy now.


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Cocktails, amarettos and hangovers

Oh, I had a beautiful time with my fellow NQT girls last night. Love them, they make me so happy ❤️

Sunday 27 December 2015

So I'm listening to Fall Out Boy with a face pack on in the bath

The title to this post is almost as long as a typical Fall Out Boy song title. Love it!

There two bands in the whole world who always make me feel awesome when I listen to them. Fall Out Boy and McFly - in actually a little obsessed with listening to their music. It's sooooo good! 

Anyway, everytime I listen to Sugar We're Going Down I always think about stuff and myself. That's how I got to writing my New Year Resolutions..

I've learnt a fair amount of pretty hard lessons this year. They're going to make me a more fabulous person next year though so I can't be sad about the tough times.

Lesson #1
When someone doesn't show you that you're important to them walk away as quickly as you can.
I fell in love really hard this year. It started amazingly. He made me feel special, pretty and wanted. His problem, however, is that he can't put effort and thought into things. I wanted things that I was never going to get from him. It hurt but I'm better off without him.

Lesson #2
The fear is probably worse that what you are actually fearing.
This applies to so many things in my life this year that is doesn't even bare going into. Remember, what is the worst that can happen?

Lesson #3
You're not the only one fighting an internal battle, but your battle is important.
Keep an eye on your loved 'uns. Don't let their feelings fall under the radar because you are also feeling terrible. Two heads are better than one and so are two hearts.

Lesson #4
People won't always treat you how you treat them.
I wouldn't lie to someone's face, I wouldn't lead someone down the garden path, I wouldn't deliberately hurt someone but some people will. There's nothing you can do about it apart from walk away from their negative vibes. This has been the hardest one for me this year because plenty of people have just been shit to m for no real reason but that is their problem not mine. 

I wonder what other people are resolving to do in 2016?

J xo

Thursday 24 December 2015

Winning t-shirts, choking on fake snow and Irish dancing in a night club

Obviously it's my favourite friggin' time of the year and I love going out now more than anything...

I ended up in a night club where all the drinks are 75p and all the music is super cheesey. It's my favourite place to dance. It's a ridiculous place and probably hasn't had the carpets changed since 1849 but it's my sticky carpeted mess of a night club an I love it.

Stumbled (literally) across an old friend. He's a good foot taller than me and 'I've Had The Time of My Life' came on. We tried the dirty dancing lift. We succeeded. It won me a club t-shirt and I was so (embarrassingly) proud!

Because me and my little sister danced for a long time we tend to show off a bit when we have had one too many cherry brandies. It's nothing awesome like cheerleading or pole... We Irish dance. I've won bottles of champagne for it before and when I say champagne I mean carbonated toilet water! 

I can't remember a time when I was so genuinely relaxed and happy. I was bouncing around like there was no one else there. It was reeeeal! As my dad would say.

Paying for it today. It hurts and I am a walking advertisement for why people  shouldn't drink... Only if you ask me if I care I will say hell no! Pass me another!

Anyhow, it's Christmas Eve and I must eat, drink and be merry. Have a wonderful Christmas ❤️πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Happiest things

I have a problem. A real serious one that affects my nearest and dearest. I can't go shopping without forgetting the presents I need and just buying myself pretty things.

I'm sure plenty of people suffer from this. It affects lives. It affects mine.

On my hunt for final Christmas treats for my favourite people today I actually ended up with 2 new outfits, some nice hair party and three packs of false eye lashes. 

I have to ask myself if I feel bad. 

Truth is... Not really cause my new skirt is so pretty AND I have already spoiled them.

I wonder how badly you have done this before? I wanna know!

Love love love J xo

Happy Christmas Eve Eve

Plans for today include the gym, shopping as maybe going for a few drinks with an old friend. 

Happiest thought so far: best sleep in/dream ever.

Have a lovely Christmas Eve Eve xo