Spreading a bit of joy and glitter

Friday 12 August 2016

Talk about 'long time, no see'

I've had the most bizzare year. I'm not gonna dwell on a lot of it because overall it has been bad.

The last 6 or so months have turned around the shit show that was the 6 months before it.

I am in a loving and funny relationship with my lovely (after our shit show, see above). I've got a challenging yet amazing job and I am planning on finally moving out into my own place. This is the plan anyway.

The only thing dulling my shine at the moment is the fact that, after a 10 day all inclusive holiday, I am feeling all of a'chub. However, new gym membership is activated and I will be working out with my fitspiration who just so happens to be one of my greatest friends. Inspiration like I've never known. Also, it's lots easier because me and Joshua are in it together. Cooking for him is a dream because he just loves food, like me!

Update complete!

Take care xox

Monday 4 January 2016

4 days in...

What a start this has been.

Happiness checklist:
1. Resolve issues with faves ✔️
2. Back to the gym ✔️
3. Back to work with a big smile ✔️
4. Leave negative vibes back in 2015 ✔️

Not a bad start and an excellent finish to a strange year. New Year's Eve was immense! We had a festival at my friends house. It was legit, fake grass, Salvation Army cuppa soup, camping in the living room and drinking way too much for the average 23 year old gal! 
I'm still buzzing from it cause it was so much fun!!

I hope everyone else had just has much fun

I'm very very very happy now.
